whoever did this is quite an accomplished artist

 feds raid an alleged upscale art forgery factory
> "These were very beautiful fake or not," Feld added. "Whoever did this is quite an accomplished artist just not the artist he or she purported to be."I always find it interesting that some of these works are high value when everyone thinks that they are fake designer bags by a certain person, and worthless when they find out it is by someone else. This guy would probably never be known for anything, except that he sold some expensive paintings he made fraudulently.
Replicas do have intrinsic value. I have several replica paintings and none of them were cheap. I prefer hand painted artwork craftsmanship cheap replica handbags over prints. That history is valuable to certain people. I have lots of originals from art students that I picked up for You see the same behavior in other fields. An original Mustang GT350 is worth a hell of a lot more than a replica, even if the replica is better in many metrics, because a small group of wealthy people value the heritage and history much more than the tangible good.
The comment to which you replying isn referring to replicas though, but rather original paintings fraudulently attributed to a famous artist:> FBI agents have identified eight probable forged paintings, five of which were billed as previously unknown works of Ault, an American artist active through the 1940s. Two other paintings were purportedly created by Crawford, an artist active through the 1970s whose precisionist style was similar to aaa replica designer handbags that of Ault, according to the search warrant affidavit. But there's only one Picasso.
replica louis vuitton It definitely more subtle than that, for sure. Rembrandt is a great example. He created life like illusions through a mastery of the medium the way light reflects and refracts through different pigments, the role of varnishing, the thickness of paint, etc. Standing in front replica designer handbags of one is an entirely different experience than looking at a photo reproduction. It no accident that Impressionism emerged at the same time as the avant guard reaction to that. Which then led to abstract expressionism, etc Perfect Quality Louis Vuitton Replica the idea that a painting is an object in and of itself. That the surface of the painting (the texture, the geometry of the composition) is what interesting; rather than it being a vehicle for depicting some image.
Oh, but this is giving a painting too much credit. A sculpture, of course, cheap louis vuitton bags from china uk is truly three dimensional a painting can hardly be called three dimensional in comparison. And this gives the sculptor too much credit, since it just a creation of replica designer handbags a stationary, dead object. True art comes from real movement of bodies on the stage. But this isn true art either, for it ephemeral. Clearly, a movie would have the most encoded information, and is thus the most credible art. But this is laziness, for anyone can hit record, it must be the person who photographs, who chooses the exact moment to capture, rather than the person who says "capture everything" that can truly get at the essence of art.
I suspect that you have objects of sentimental value as well. Most people do. Perhaps it is a book given by a friend that you don throw away, even though you never read it and, if you had to, could replace it for a few replica louis vuitton dollars. Often, the artist was innovative in some way that appreciated by fans, and that innovation is no less rational than a baseball that was hit out of the park at an important time even though it just a baseball.
It true in most luxury goods. In this case, instead of Louis Vuitton, George Ault was the brand being replicated. High end mechanical watches are another example, where the "right" name on the dial definitely high quality designer replica handbags affects the demand, even if lower priced watches have nicer internals and finishing for far less cost. In fact, there is a whole group of consumers who knowingly purchase replicated pieces (some of which are getting indistinguishable from the real thing). A lot is in a name, in art and otherwise. So turning it into a subdivision would put the just the land value in excess of a billion $ for taxing purposes.)
That was my takeaway from the documentary on the McDonald Monopoly scam. The FBI spent incredible resources (and they were proud of having a whole field office working on it for months right before 911) to arrest and charge a whole bunch of people who didn even make any money off it. Heck just letting mcdonnalds handle the inquiry with their internal security would have been enough to stop it (if all it did was scare the guy from ever trying it again). Do you really want a society where the rich have a target painted on their backs because law enforcement will not protect them? You might not like the world of private law enforcement they will create to protect themselves, should the need arise.
Corruption in politics too. Of course, that a larger issue. We need to get big money out of politics. Most other democracies do not allow the same level of campaign donations (especially mysterious ones like Super PACs). Also, lobbying as we know it has to end. There no room for organizations to have that level of impact on actual laws. Politics should be like military service you do it to serve your fellow countrymen, not to get rich. If the law isn for the benefit of the people, it shouldn be written. I don't want my kids to pay for labor that was performed today just so can pay artificially low taxes. "I took no trouble technically," he says. "There was a negligence to everything I did."Even so, his pictures were passing as genuine and selling for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Bags He was enjoying a financial success he could never have approached by painting Myatts. Perhaps no other forger of his or any other time has worked so prodigiously and in so many styles.
Thanks just watched the provided youtube video. Interesting case. Less greedy and it would have worked perfectly. As someone with 0 idea about the art world it was really interesting to see how well an approach of "fake the history by altering the archives" + medium skill level painting worked.

I jealous that you get to live up there! I summered up there as a kid (on Long Lake) and my uncle and aunt raised my cousins there in the 80 and 90 We try to go up for a week or so every summer. I not cheap louis vuitton bags from china ready to try to bootstrap independent contracting all over again. The property taxes seen nightmarish, though. In general, you use different materials to make a reproduction than you do a forgery as well: A good reproduction might use some materials that folks used in the past, but often mixes it with modern materials. I buy an honest "forgery" that tricks the experts, but would be angry if someone passes it off as an original. 


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